Speaker details

Giuseppe Mastrandrea
Machine Learning Engineer @ Datamasters.it
Giuseppe Mastrandrea is a computer scientist, a machine learning teacher, and a web developer. Nerd since way before it became mainstream, Giuseppe holds an MsC in Computer Engineering, and he is madly in love with everything relates to the Web (although he sometimes feels he is pining with unrequited love). Since 2011 he’s working as a front-end developer at Frankhood, and he is serving as a computer science teacher in public school since 2017. He’s currently teaching at the Technical School Panetti Pitagora in Bari. In 2020 he started collaborating with Datamasters, teaching several courses of Python programming, and Machine Learning.
Da developer a direttore d'orchestra: introduzione alle agentic applications
October 26, 10:50 AM - 11:30 AM
Aula A - AI